IVF Terminology Cheat Sheet: Understanding Fertility Slang

It can feel like fertility forums are speaking a completely different language when you first enter your fertility journey! So I’ve put together a quick cheat sheet of some of the most common IVF terminology and fertility slang you’ll come across in your journey.
Fertility Acronym | Term | Description |
AC | Agnus Castus | A herbal remedy that some women believe can help with fertility. |
AF | Aunt Flo | Slang for your period. |
AI | Artificial Insemination | Also known as intrauterine insemination. |
AMH | Anti-Müllerian Hormone | A hormone measured to assess a woman’s ovarian reserve or egg count. |
Baby Dust | – | A way to wish someone good luck in getting pregnant, akin to “fairy dust”. |
BD | Baby Dance | Colloquial term for sexual intercourse when trying to conceive. |
BBT | Basal Body Temperature | – |
BCP | Birth Control Pill | – |
BF | Breastfeed or Boyfriend | – |
BFN | Big Fat Negative | Slang for a negative result on a pregnancy test. |
BFP | Big Fat Positive | Slang for a positive result on a pregnancy test. |
BP | Blood Pressure | – |
CB/CBD | Clearblue/Clearblue Digital | A specific brand of pregnancy test. |
CBFM | Clearblue Fertility Monitor | – |
CD | Cycle Day | The day count of the menstrual cycle, starting from the first day of the period. You will commonly see CD followed by a number e.g. CD1, CD16. |
CM | Cervical Mucus | – |
CP | Chemical Pregnancy | – |
DPO | Days Past Ovulation | The number of days since ovulation occurred. You will commonly see a number followed by DPO e.g. 5DPO, 12DPO. |
DTD | Do the Deed | Slang for having sex. |
EPO | Evening Primrose Oil | A herbal remedy some believe can help with fertility. |
ET | Embryo Transfer | The procedure of placing an embryo into a woman’s uterus or fallopian tube. |
EWCM | Egg White Cervical Mucus | – |
FET | Frozen Embryo Transfer | Thawing a frozen embryo from a previous IVF cycle and transferring it to the uterus. |
FMU | First Morning Urine | Urine in the morning, which has a higher concentration of hormones, potentially making pregnancy tests more effective. |
FRER | First Response Early Result | A specific brand of pregnancy test. |
hCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin | A hormone produced during pregnancy, detected by pregnancy tests. |
HPT | Home Pregnancy Test | A test used to determine pregnancy by detecting hCG in urine. |
HSG | Hysterosalpingogram | A procedure where the fallopian tubes are flushed with dye to check for blockages. |
IB | Implantation Bleeding | Slight bleeding or spotting that may happen around the time an embryo implants in the womb. |
IC | Internet Cheapie | A cheap pregnancy test or ovulation predictor kit bought online. |
ICSI | Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection | A procedure where a single sperm is injected directly into an egg. |
IUI | Intrauterine Insemination | A fertility treatment involving placing sperm inside a woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization. |
IVF | In Vitro Fertilization | A process where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body. |
LH | Luteinising Hormone | The hormone that triggers ovulation; an LH surge is an increase in LH just before ovulation. |
Line Eyes | – | A request for people to look at a picture of a pregnancy test and say whether or not they think it’s positive. |
LMP | Last Menstrual Period | The first day of the last menstrual cycle, used to calculate pregnancy stages and due dates. |
LO | Little One | – |
LP | Luteal Phase | The phase of your cycle between ovulation and getting your period. |
MC | Miscarriage | – |
MFI | Male Factor Infertility | Infertility due to male-related issues, like low sperm count or motility. |
MIL | Mother-in-Law | – |
MW | Midwife | – |
OH | Other Half | – |
OHSS | Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome | A side effect of fertility medications where the ovaries swell and become painful. |
OP | Original Post/Poster | – |
OPK | Ovulation Predictor Kit | Tests used for tracking ovulation |
OV | Ovulation | – |
PCOS | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | – |
PG | Pregnant | – |
PID | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease | – |
PMA | Positive Mental Attitude | – |
POAS | Pee on a Stick | Slang for taking a pregnancy test. |
PP | Previous Poster or Postpartum | – |
PGD | Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis | IVF embryos are tested for genetic conditions before implantation. |
PGS | Pre-implantation Genetic Screening | IVF embryos are tested to ensure they have a healthy number of chromosomes before implantation. |
PUPO | Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise | – |
RLT | Raspberry Leaf Tea | – |
Rainbow Baby | A baby born after losing a pregnancy or a child | – |
SA | Semen Analysis | An assessment of sperm quantity, quality, and motility. |
SAHD | Stay-at-Home Dad | – |
SAHM | Stay-at-Home Mum | – |
SAHP | Stay-at-Home Parent | – |
SD | Superdrug | A particular brand of pregnancy test or a familial term. |
SI | Soya Isoflavones | A supplement some believe can help with fertility. |
SMEP | Sperm Meets Egg Plan | A specific method for trying to conceive. |
SS | Symptom Spotting | Looking for early signs of pregnancy or a familial term. |
TCOYF | Take Charge of Your Fertility | A book and app for tracking fertility. |
TTC | Trying to Conceive | A term used by couples attempting to get pregnant. |
2WW | Two-Week Wait | The time between ovulation and either a period or a positive pregnancy test. |
What does 5dp5dt mean?
The ‘dp’ stands for ‘Days Post’ and the ‘dt’ stands for ‘Day Transfer’, so 5dp5dt means 5 days post 5 day transfer. 3dp6dt would mean 3 days post 6-day transfer.
What does BFP mean?
‘Big Fat Positive’ – when you get a positive pregnancy test. BFP is a common term used in IVF and fertility treatment groups.
What does PUPO mean?
‘Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise’, normally used after an embryo transfer in IVF.
What is ICSI?
A procedure during IVF where a single sperm is injected directly into an egg.
What does DPO mean?
‘Days Past Ovulation’ or DPO is a term commonly used when trying to conceive (TTC) to count the number of days past ovulation you are.